Critical Toolkit and Blueprints to design and execute powerful project and business blueprints that build profitable, scalable and valuable businesses

Strategy, Project Management and Valuation Toolkit

To design and visualise Business/Project Blueprints



Articulate the Vision, Mission and Values and define what to do

Operating Model

Strategically aligned, distinctive, asset rich, and designed to scale


How the Strategy and Operating Model translate into value created 

Leadership and Management Toolkit

Ensuring that the Strategy and Operating Model delivers the goals. 

The Valuable Business Builder© Scorecard was developed by IVC's founder Hugh Page, a former equity investment manager and research analyst. 

It is built on principles that hold for every successful company he analysed over twenty years

IVC's Valuable Builder Business© system enables leaders and teams to become business architects to design and execute powerful project and business blueprints that build more profitable, scalable and valuable businesses

Time to complete: approx 5 mins; 30 "Yes / No" questions

Take The Diagnostic

Valuable Business reward leaders and teams for their creativity, courage and commitment

Take The Diagnostic
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